Acupuncture is a safe practice when performed correctly. Experienced practitioners follow OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines for handling of needles and always use sterilized disposable needles.
There are many theories as to how acupuncture exactly works.
Some say that needling on the surface of the skin initiates an immune response, bringing blood and white blood cell migration into this area of the body. This practice allows the soft tissue to heal and the peripheral nerve to regenerate.
Other theories say that acupuncture works with an electromagnetic field in our bodies. According to recent research, electromagnetic fields in our bodies correlate with the "channels" used by acupuncturists.
Through this research, it has been found that stimulating points with acupuncture along these "channels" lets the electromagnetic signals be transmitted at a greater rate than when under normal conditions.
It's easy! Please maintain proper personal hygiene, wear loose clothing, and avoid treatment when you're feeling excessively fatigued, hungry, or emotionally upset.
The amount of acupuncture treatments you will need depends on the nature and severity of your pain. One treatment may take care of the problem, or you may need to return for multiple sessions. If you are having a serious chronic issue, a series of 3-10 treatments may resolve the problem.
Most treatable conditions bring permanent results, but everybody is different. Some conditions may require maintenance treatment over a period of time.
With the new Direct Access Law of NJ, physical therapists are now able to provide services without a prescription from a doctor. This goes for everyone, with the exception of Medicare patients or individuals involved in an automobile accident.
We accept Medicare, Horizon Blue Cross / Blue Shield, United Health, Cigna, Empire, Aetna, AmeriHealth, No-Fault, and WorkComp.
We also accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards and will provide a receipt for your visit.
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